0Tuesday. 9th [August 1910]—Axenstein
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 August 1910 — Axenstein
Tuesday. 9th [August 1910]. I went in to Lucerne with Baker at 10.30 by steamer to let the dentist finish the repairs to my tooth for wh he charged me 160 fs a goodly sum! but I was thankful to have had it done & did not complain. We lunched on board going & got a good meal at 3 fs a head so cheap that one could set it against the charge of Dr. Schaer! We had some time to wait for the return steamer & walked in the town & over the wooden bridge—& bought some fruit to carry back to Da Laura– Embarked at 4 just in time to escape the result of a heavy thunderstorm wh brought down a deluge of rain. We remained in the saloon wh became crowded till we reached Brunnen. When the rain had abated & we got up to Axenstein at 7 found Da Laura perturbed at the dangers of my trip & she welcomed me warmly back. Played bridge in the evening.

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