0Friday. 12th [August 1910]—Axenstein
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 August 1910 — Axenstein
Friday. 12th [August 1910]. Baron Bülow made Da Laura & me walk down to Axenfels in the afternoon as it was fine weather. We called at the hotel there on Mr & Mrs de Giers late Russian Minister at Brussels. They were out so we sat on the terrace there & were just returning to our own village by the cog railway when the de Giers arrived & were delighted to see Da Laura with whom they are great friends. We had however ¾ hour to sit at the little station to wait for the next train & Mrs de Giers, who is an incessant talker & we were quite tired by the time we got back to our Hotel. Why is it that some voices hurt ones ears so & others soothe them. Is it because the note in them are not quite in tune? Mme de G. was very agreeable & her remarks very spicey—but one was relieved when she was silent.

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