0Thursday. 29th [September 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 September 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 29th [September 1910]. The lovely bright warm weather we have had since Sunday seems not going to last & this morning we woke to find a thick fog. Mrs Ady & her daughter left by an 8 o’cl train for England. Mr & Mrs Montague Muir Mackenzie their girl Enid, & niece Miss Campbell came to luncheon. The latter is going off to India to join her parents & starts from Trieste on Saturday. Mrs M. M. née Bruce I knew when she was a girl. Her father was a friend of my fathers & was our guardian for a short time. Later I took Mr Arbuthnot out in gondola to Piazza & on to the Public gardens intending to go into the modern Exhibition but we were too late as it closes at 5. It was a lovely afternoon but came on foggy at night just like Novr weather.

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