0Friday. 30th [September 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 September 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 30th [September 1910]. Mr Byard came in the morning that I might show & explain to him the pictures in this house. Mr A. had gone out with Mlle Dussau & returned to lunch & then we went to tea with Miss Grigsby & Dussau in the garden of the house they are living in corner of Zattere & San Trovaso wh they have hired for a short time. There was there a Mrs Hart, Canadian (rather bad style) & Baron Spiegel (Austrian diplomat). Miss Grigsby is American & looks queer too. There are reports about her wh one would like to confute or confirm. She is rich & very smart.

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