0Saturday. 1st [October 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 October 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 1st [October 1910]. Miss Dussau came here at 9.30 & at 10 I took her out to Piazza to show her where to buy beads & we spent a long time in old Gordini shop choosing them– Mr Arbuthnot accompanied us & then went off to lunch with Col. & Mrs Gough and I walked home– Nela arrived to stay with me just before luncheon—very jolly bright & well & pretty with her white curly hair. Went out at 4 with her & Mr A. to hospital & took a row round the Lagunes by the women’s madhouse—then back to tea with Mrs Stainer Palazzo Fontana where met Grigsby & Dussau. Very foggy evening again.

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