0Sunday. 16th [October 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 October 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 16th [October 1910]. We went to morning service. I sent the gondola to fetch Ct & Css Martinengo at Danieli’s to bring them here at 4 to tea & Mrs Curtis also came with Lady Margaret Levett who is staying with her & Mr Latimer. I had dined with the Martinengo & Cesaresci’s at Danieli’s last week. He is a little old man who wears a skull cap—speaks English very well & told me he used to go to Paris & London every spring when he was young. He has written a big book on horses on wh he is an authority. His wife is English and has written much as well on the unity of Italy. She is tall & very plain & much younger than her husband & is very pleasant & interesting to talk to. They are returning to Salò on the L. of Garda where they live in the house described by Lady M. Wortley Montagu in her letters. I went with Baker to the service at the Sailors’ Inst. at 8 in the evening.

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