0Friday. 16th [December 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 December 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 16th [December 1910]. At last after many days we see the sunshine again! For so many days we are enveloped in fogs or in rain. This is a queer year & there are inundations all over the world. The Dr came again this morning & sat some time. Montalba looked in to enquire whether I had recovered, wh I happily have. After lunch I went over to the Hospital & was glad to find the restoration of the walls inside nearly concluded. Went to call on Mrs Curtis & sat a while with her. Later had a visit from B & Bss Andrian (Austrians). She is Mayerbeer’s daughter, old & painted, with a young & beautiful figure & beautifully dressed. They used to be much here 20 years ago & the Baron then played the ’cello rather well. We talked of all the Princesses we knew! I dined at 8 & afterwards Concetta Malagola & her son paid me a visit.

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