0Sunday. 25th [December 1910]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 December 1910 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 25th [December 1910]. Christmas Day. Went to morning service at 10.30 then went off to lunch with Baroness Reinelt at Hotel Victoria. Just we 2 alone—& a good but heavy meal. Then at 5.30 went to church again to hear the Carol service the music very creditable. Thence to the Hospital where I stayed but a short time just to go round the sick & wish them & the nurses all good. Dined at 7 & went to the service at the Sailors Inst. where were a lot of sailors. They had been over to tea at the Hospital & came over with some of the nurses to the Institute. Home & at once to bed—tired out.

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