0Wednesday. 4th [January 1911]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 January 1911 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 4th [January 1911]. Busy morning & many people in & out to settle things before my departure. After lunch I went to take leave of Angela Reinelt & then over to the Hospital having first sent Regina over there to be taken proper care of. Went round the place & took leave of patients & nurses. Dined early & went to the usual Concert at the Sailor’s Institute which was very poorly attended & there was no “talent” so that I had to make an effort & read aloud 2 pieces of poetry & sang “Molly Darling” which I managed to get through despite my 68 years! But one must do what one can to help at a pinch! The Prices did the rest of the entertainment bravely!

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