0Sunday. 8th [January 1911]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 January 1911 — Rome
Sunday. 8th [January 1911]. Today being Queen Elena’s birthday, the Queen went to lunch at the Quirinal & the Mara Villamarina asked me to lunch in her rooms. I went off with Baker to our church in the Via Babuino—the service was so long that it was past 12 when we came away & I met Mr Percy Wyndham & his sister who persuaded me to go home to lunch with them. We telephoned to the Marchesa to say I was not coming & I went with the Wyndhams who live opposite our Embassy. Was glad to have a talk with Mr W. who is chairman of the A.A. Home & who got Ola to take the matronship. He is immensely pleased with her & is anxious that she should like it & remain there. After lunch I walked back to the Palace & later walked to see Da Laura—but she is unwell again & I could not see her so I walked back. In the evening at dinner the Queen talked a great deal of her little grandchildren & how they showed her that they could get up a play on the toy theatre she had made them a present of for Christmas. She talked much of the youngest Princess & how devoted the eldest children are to her & how she rules them despotically. Prince & Pss di Bülow came in the evening & from the Pss I heard that Da Laura had had another fainting fit.

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