0Wednesday. 25th [January 1911]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 January 1911 — Cairo
Wednesday. 25th [January 1911]. Eda & I went off to the Museum which has been made since I was here in 1896. I lunched with Watson Pasha to whom I was introduced by Lord Kitchener & who lives in a bungalow in the garden of the English hospital. Lord K said Watson would do every thing for me out here. I soon found that I could not depend on him tho’ he was very civil. Met there Sir R. Fuller an Indian Judge I had known at Calcutta & one or two other people. After lunch we all adjourned to the Club close by to see the Horse show where I rejoined Eda who was there with Mrs Stainer. It was a pretty scene especially the military rides.

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