0Tuesday. 4th [April 1911]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 April 1911 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 4th [April 1911]. It came on to blow a gale & a cold rain like the depths of winter. In the afternoon Eda & I sallied out on foot & got very damp as it is difficult to hold up an umbrella in these narrow calles– We looked in on Baroness Reinelt but were too wet to remain there long. Went on to the Edens to tell him of the success of the interview with Miss Chaffey & then we hurried home. The weather was so bad that I did not expect any one would come in the evening—& in fact Judge Castellani was the only one until late when Hugh & Mrs Whitaker brought Lady Knaresborough & her lovely daughter who had been dining with them—but all left early. It was a wild night.

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