0Wednesday. 17th [May 1911]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 May 1911 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 17th [May 1911]. Nela Du Cane & I went to lunch with Lady Northcote in St James’ Place– Lord N. was not visible being only convalescent from a severe illness. We met there Sir & Lady Fawkes. He is an Admiral & his brother was for some time the Rector at Canford. There was also a Mr Rice & another man. It was a very fine warm day & after lunch we sat out in the little garden adjoining Green Park & had our coffee there. At 3 we went off to the Albert Hall to help Blanche to sell at her stall of Home Industries opened today by the Duchess of Connaught. I got there just as the Duchess was leaving but she stopped me & greeted me very politely. There was very little doing—& more sellers than buyers. London at this moment is all agog to see the Kaiser driving about with the King & Queen. Blanche brought me home at 6. Later I took a walk with Charlie Wyld down to look at the new Monument to Q. Victoria—there was a large crowd of respectable people on the same errand walking round. We came to the conclusion that it is a fine thing the effect of it from the broad walk in Green Park is fine.

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