0Friday. 19th [May 1911]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 May 1911 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 19th [May 1911]. Bessborough called me up on the telephone to tell me that all his efforts to get me invited to the State Ball had failed & that even the King could not make an exception so my dress wh arrived this morning from Paris had to be put into the drawer & removed from the bed where it had been deposited for inspection & walked up to Q. Anne St at 12 to see Dr Luff & get an order from him for electric baths to cure rheumatism settled in my wrist. Hurried home to luncheon to which Violet Vivian came. Much talk with her about poor Queen Alexandra– Violet is one of her ladies in waiting. She says the Q. feels very sore at having to take a 2nd place in the country & is very sad for she was deeply attached to the King. One cannot but feel greatly for her in various ways. She is not a woman of culture or great intelligence & has no resource in herself. In the afternoon Nela & I drove to see Miss Hogarth (C. Dickens’ sister in law) found her much aged & very feeble & living in a very small lodging—just 2 rooms by wh I gather that she has lost money, for she used to live in a nice little house all to herself. She was kind & affectionate but slow in manner & speech. I dined with the Bessboroughs & saw Blanche & Gweneth in their pretty dresses go off to the State Ball—which gave me a kind of Cinderella feeling—tho’ one was not really sorry to go home quietly to bed wh I did after sitting awhile with Edward who is suffering from lumbago.

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