0Thursday. 25th [May 1911]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 May 1911 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 25th [May 1911]. Connie came to luncheon. Drove her home & went on to leave cards &c. Home to tea to which came Mr & Mrs McDonald whose acquaintance I had made this winter in Egypt. They are Americans settled in London. She is a pretty woman & pleasant & kindly. I dined with P. & Pss Christian to celebrate her birthday. Genl Cowans took me into dinner—a pleasant man who is at the head of the “territorials.” Pss Marie Louis was dining also– Lady Middleton & two other ladies unknown to me—a Mrs Reuben sang in the evening admirably accompanied by her husband. She has a fine soprano voice—both are quite young. They sang & played from memory very cleverly. I wore my new dress from Paris black satin embroidered with moonlight & steel beads– It came adorned with what is known as a “fish tail”—a narrow straight piece of stuff hanging straight down from the waist. Needless to say I did not wear that but had it rearranged & removed.

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