0Tuesday. 27th [June 1911]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 June 1911 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 27th [June 1911]. Went today to the garden party at Buckingham Palace with Miss Loch & Nela the former having lunched with us. We entered by the entrée gate in Buckingham Palace Rd but having been caught in a string in Piccadilly arrived rather late & the Royal Family had already come into the garden. It was a lovely day & a most brilliant scene. The gardens are so well planted & surrounded with trees that one would never suspect while in them, that one was in the heart of London. One met many people one had not seen for a long time. People were very well dressed—the fashion being now to wear brilliant colours looked well. There were also Indians in fine costumes & jewels & the scene was very animated. Bands of music played in different parts of the garden—& there were tents for refreshment. Boats plied on the lake rowed by the King’s bargemen in their picturesque red uniforms. The Royal party sat in the shade of fine tents but one could not get a glimpse of them owing to the way in wh the guests stood round to stare at them. However it was all very amusing & we walked about & saw many friends. When the Royal party retired to the Palace & “God save the King” had been played Nela & I quickly got our carriage & returned home having enjoyed the afternoon.

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