0Friday. 7th [July 1911]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 July 1911 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 7th [July 1911]. Connie took me to the Opera to see the Russian dancers at Covent Garden which are the rage this season– They gave several scenic pieces—one “Cleopatra” is thought much of, a kind of ballet all dancing & no words. It is too French—& had to be much modified before it was allowed here. Even as it is, it is unpleasant to see. Lu Rose is pretty– The dancing good—but there was too much of the whole thing—& I got bored. It was excessively hot. It is said that 700 boys were treated in the ambulance at the Windsor review—overcome by heat & fatigue.

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