0Friday. 25th [August 1911]—Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 August 1911 — Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
Friday. 25th [August 1911]. Edward arrived early this morning—having finished his Harrowgate cure for sciatica. Took a walk with Blanche in the garden before lunch & admired a new fountain having in the centre a figure of a boy in white marble crouching down over the water—by King—a very clever figure. Drove with Blanche in her poney carriage in afternoon after tea. Mr John Power & his sister Miss Ida came to tea neighbours whom I had often met. Miss Aida being quite a character. While the rest of the party played bridge in the evening I coached Vere & Gweneth who are studying “The Merchant of Venice” to act next month– Vere is painting the scenery for the performance fixed for end of Sept.

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