0Friday. 16th [February 1912]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 February 1912 — Cairo
Friday. 16th [February 1912]. High wind all day. Mrs Samuelson who is at the Semiramis Hotel called for me at 3 & took me for a drive along the Helvan road as far as Maadi & back by 5. It was too dusty & blowy to be enjoyable but still there are lovely views along the Nile & of the cittadella & hills which made it worth do—besides the agreeable society of Mrs S. I returned to the Agency to tea—& afterwards took a turn at sunset on the terrace over the Nile with Sir Wm Garstin. At dinner we were a party of 5—only Major McMurdo besides our host & Capt. Fitz– We spent the evening in talking over all that Lord K. is doing to repair & beautify his place (Broome) in England. He showed us plans & explained the inside of the house & of what he is going to do in the garden.

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