0Wednesday. 3rd [April 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 April 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 3rd [April 1912]. Sir Fred was unwell & not able to get up so we went for Dr di Carolis for him who said it is a passing ailment. It must have been rather difficult for them to understand each other owing to Sir Fred’s deafness & the Drs small command of the English language. After lunch I went out in gondola with Mr Ralli & Mrs Byng & took them to Rubelli’s shop of the Grand Canal at St Vio to buy brocades for dresses—wh is woven at Venice. From there we went on to the Eden’s garden where the blossoms & spring flowers are beginning to come out. Mr & Mrs Eden were in the garden but we avoided them as Mr Eden has lately been very ill from the effects of an operation for cataract done here by Dr Orlandini. It was done without any of the usual antiseptic precautions & the result was that hemorrhage set in & poor old Mr Eden who is about 84 nearly died of it & is making a wonderful recovery. We went from the Edens garden to the International Hospital opposite that my guests should go over it. Thence to Mr Whitaker’s garden close by where I left my party & rowed to the Piazza. I went to Hotel Victoria to see Angela Reinelt—then to see Mrs Eden & walked home–

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