0Sunday. 19th [May 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 May 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 19th [May 1912]. Nela & I went to morning service—neither the Princess nor Matt were up to breakfast. Took the Pss our after tea & went to the Hospital & the Eden’s garden wh was full of most lovely roses of which I carried away a handful– Vera Wolkoff dined with us at 7.30 & we went afterwards out to see the illuminations of the Piazza done for the last time. Sra Asta of the lace shop telephoned to offer me a window in the Procuratie from which to see it. We could enter from the Rio dei Dai. Mr & Mrs Maurice Glyn had lunched today with us & we invited them to join us in the evening also Mr Eden’s grand nephew Mr Osborn a secy of our Embassy at Paris. Mme Asta received us most kindly & we had seats in a window next to the American Consul & his friends. Matt & I came away at 10 together. There was a concert of singing in the Piazza but the place is so big we could hear but little of it.

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