0Tuesday. 21st [May 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 May 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 21st [May 1912]. Mr Price came in the morning to tell me he thought that the Bishop of London would take over the property of the International Hospital wh I want to give over permanently & promised to write to enquire about it. I also wrote to our Bishop in this sense. Baroness Reinelt came to lunch with us & we were a cosy little party with her, Ridley, Princess Thurn & Taxis & Nela. At 4 o’cl I took the Princess out in gondola to the Giudecca & we had tea in the hospital garden & then paid the Edens a visit in their garden– The roses tho’ many are already slightly going off. Met a lot of people there amongst them Mrs Curtis & her party of FitzWilliams & a Ct & Css Telesky of Budapest who have come here to see the Fitzwilliams so I invited them also to come this evening wh they did. I had a large gathering in the evening—many English & a few Italians.

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