0Sunday. 14th [July 1912]—Mezzaratta, Bologna
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 July 1912 — Mezzaratta, Bologna
Sunday. 14th [July 1912]. Very hot day. Donna Laura gave a little dinner party to which came Sigr Rubiani who is entrusted with the restoration of public monuments here. Conte Cavazza, Senatore Ciamician & the German Consul Kluftlinger—a nice little party—there was great talk about the restoration of the guard house at the foot of the old tower wh requires repairs & some maintain that it ought to be removed. It is true that it is of a later date than the tower but it also has an historical interest. The gentlemen remained talking in the long saloon at the end of which is the “bow window” built by Donna Laura from whence there is a view like those in the background of an old Italian picture—a little valley, with houses scattered here & there. A nice cool air came in at the open window—a cool Italian night. They all left before 11 & returned to town.

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