0Saturday. 27th [July 1912]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 July 1912 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 27th [July 1912]. Packed & arranged for my journey to England tomorrow. Marchese Cassis & his wife came to luncheon with me from the Lido. I went out in gondola at 4 to the Sailor’s Institute to pay Mr & Mrs Swan a visit. Mr S. is the new manager a nice energetic little man who has lately come here & bids fair to be a success. At 7 o’cl I started in gondola for the Lido to dine with Princess Alexis Dolgorouky at the Excelsior. She also had Count Nani Mocenigo dining. He is an officer in the Italian Navy. I recognised him as having met him 2 years ago at Salso Maggiore. There was a charity ball this evening at the hotel & people began to arrive for it as I was leaving to row home, a very lovely moonlit evening.

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