0Wednesday. 11th [September 1912]—Salce, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 September 1912 — Salce, Belluno
Wednesday. 11th [September 1912]. Had breakfast in my own room & read Dante for an hour—which is what I always do when I am in the country up here & have leisure. I seem to be in the proper frame of mind for it in the country. Nela & I went out for a walk for an hour before lunch at 12. Afterwards we sat out with Mrs Eden in their loggia & enjoyed a short spell of sunshine after a pouring wet night wh prevented our sitting in the garden. Tea at 4 & afterwards drove with Mrs Eden in her victoria up to Cugnach a villa on the colle near where we called on Ct & Css Miari. From there there is a lovely view up & down the valley & we walked with them up a grasspath to a little chapel from wh we could see in every direction. Nela & I walked back. Dined at 7.30 & when our hosts went to bed at 9.30 Nela & I retired to my room & I read aloud to her from Thayer’s Italica– Then we played patience & went to rest at eleven.

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