0Thursday. 19th [September 1912]—Salce, Belluno
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 September 1912 — Salce, Belluno
Thursday. 19th [September 1912]. After tea Nela & I went for a long walk down to the road to Belluno—up towards the Fornace di Sois. We went up the hill past the turning to the Villa Cugnac thro’ the village of Bess where we turned to the right & came along the ridge towards Belluno by a by road, then down a steep road to the main road to Belluno where a shrine stands at the corner. We crossed the high road & went behind the village of Salce back to the Edens villa—a good 2 hours walk which we much enjoyed. Dined 7.30. Bed.

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